
Half-stops and Happy Accidents: Weekend Emulsions 9/19-9/20 by Mark Fulinara



I stopped my weekend film excursions last week because my phone told me that the air quality outside was ‘sitting in the back of my dad’s Camaro while he was smoking and driving with the window down’ levels. Not exactly deadly, but questionable and certainly something you wouldn’t blog about years later, right?

This past weekend, I took out a slightly more expensive film out for a spin (Kodak Porta 400), and set my light meter to 320ISO to overexpose the 400ISO film ever-so-slightly. I like my film like I like my legs in Thai boxing shorts: overexposed.

BUUUT, like a dummy, I incorrectly wound my first roll of film and opened up my camera exposing the roll to direct sunlight. I was so pissed that I went out early the next day to shoot another roll. I was huffing and puffing, and kind of took photos like it was a chore. Miraculously, the first roll of film was not only salvageable, but the light leaks looked kinda cool:

Light Leak Roll:

Angry the next morning roll: